Monday, December 21, 2009

Move... bitch... No, really, move you dog.

Let's go over what is wrong with this video of a cat and dog "playing:"

1. There is a Roomba.

2. There is a cat on said Roomba.

3. The cat swipes at the dog on multiple occasions.

4. The dog is wearing a sweater.

5. With one big argyle print on it.

6. The soundtrack is Ludacris.

7. The older white woman taking the video appears to be referencing it during the "fun."

See what I mean:

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ye Olde Laptop

Man, pulling an all-nighter makes one find all sorts of things funny, but I think this might actually be funny in a non-sleep deprived state.

I guess this is why no one uses laptops anymore, right? They're just not practical for college?

Video in the link!

Kid brings old typewriter to class

Again, thanks Abe!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This might be the best best man prank ever.

Cos who doesn't want to know how many times their best friend had sex on their wedding night?

Newlywed Sex Tweets

Thanks, Abe!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Beast v. Batman

I may have been one of the only people I know who really enjoyed Where the Wild Things Are - and everyone else can suck it, quite simply. Admission: I cried through the entire thing. It was one of those movies.

However, I can see why some people might feel that it could have used some more badassery. The people who created the following clip seem to have gotten that right.

What if Max got a Batman costume instead of the one he did?

Thanks, Raph!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sketchy Santas

Yeah, I now know why those kids always cry when they meet Santa.

Take a look.

Sketchy Santas

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Fine fine...

I'll put something on here about the whole Tiger Woods debacle...

Thanks, Abby!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Worst Birthday Ever?

Joseph Ducreux is B.A.

I feel like sometimes we forget that there have been badass gangstas forever. The Internet remembers sometimes, though. And the brilliant people who have created the memes around Joseph Ducreux's fabulous portrait from 1793 have done a wonderful job of it.

Joseph Ducreux Memes

Thanks, Aaron!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Birthday Songs - Feel free to draw inspiration.

Yesterday was my birthday - the big 2-5 dun dun dun - and I got loads of great videos on my Facebook wall, and I thought it'd be fun to compile them all here. So, without further ado, please enjoy!

- From Leah

- From Xavie

- From Justine

- From Tracy

- My own contribution

And, finally, because I cannot embed it, please click to see Abby's contribution:
Birthday Sex

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I like mean people.

No, really.

I feel like this site could be 100% guido, but no - they mix it up. Bring all sorts of idiots who like to make the duckface.

What, you may ask, is a duckface?

Oh, my goodness. That is why I am here.

Here are all KINDS of duckfaces!

This isn't funny.

Sometimes I feel like maybe I worry too much about drunk people who take the subway alone. I no longer feel that way.

Where were her friends? Just those two old dudes to protect her - thank God for them. And why the hell was she smoking in the station?

This isn't funny and, therefore, doesn't really belong here, but goddammit it makes me mad.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Archives Stuff on Twitter

Time for some shameless self-promotion!

I've created list on Twitter focusing on archives. The only criteria to be added to the list is that the ... tweeter? ... talk about archives related topics about 75% of the time. If you are interested, you should follow it and learn all about what's going on around the world in archives.

Also, I'm always looking for suggestions on who should be added to the list!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

"He's coming... he's coming... he's coming..."

Mind you, I've only read a few of the comics on Overcompensating, but this one commemorating Columbus Day is amazing. If you don't laugh, get the hell outta here.

Or you know - just hang around until the next post and see if you like it better.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I got a mangina!!!

This might only be interesting if you watch The Mighty Boosh. I'm going as Vince for Halloween. Abby's going as Old Gregg. You can hear here how she has to talk all night.

The Ghost of You Lingers

I have nothing really significant to contribute to this right now (unless you want an account of my mood swings? no? that's cool...), so instead I give you the song that's getting me through right now.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Miranda. The Navy Cat.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

A Twitter friend (@brothermagneto) created this of his cat, and I found it hilarious. Thought you might as well.

No MySpace Shots


WTF Retro Pictures

Despite the fact that a couple of these are photoshopped and one is a legitimate photo of an African tribe, most of these photos will remind you that taking crazy photos is not a new phenomenon. Most of them are funny and a couple are just strange or sad or whatever. They'll almost all make you raise an eyebrow, though.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


You should probably by Warpaint's album Exquisite Corpse. It's ethereal but not. Sweet but not. Danceable but not. Singable but not.

Friday, October 23, 2009

"Listen to the girl..."

I'm exhausted and don't feel good, so instead of going to the two parties I was supposed to be attending tonight, I'm doing this:

And this:


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I laughed and cried...

Notes on the following video:

When watching, Lauren and I laughed and screamed so loudly that everyone walking by become alarmed, and one professor emerged from his office to make sure that we were not being murdered. And the super hot guy walked past twice. Awesome.

And the MUSIC!

Thanks, Colleen!

Know how to sing on the beach?

In honor of the new Kings of Convenience album, I'll share this little gem of "HOW DID THIS EVER HAPPEN?"


"GOLLY!" you might say to yourself, "I love dinosaurs so much I want to marry one!"

I would discourage you from this for many reasons. Mingle2 gives you nine more reasons not to do so:

9 Reasons Not to Date a Tyrannosaurus

Oops please don't do it again...


As Colleen asked, "Why is x factor so much better than american idol?"

Sunday, October 18, 2009


The rockstar I'm most in love with.

Jonas from Mew.

They're coming back to Boston in December. Joy and joyness.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I humbly request that you listen to this remix of "Powder Blue" by Andy Votel. It's hard to remix Elbow songs. I think this Andy character has hit upon something very good, though.

Elbow's "Powder Blue" redone by Andy Votel

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Crazy kids.

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. To make up for it, I give you a video of some crazy Canadian kids.

Also, this video of this crazy stunt dude, which I can't embed, so you'll have to head to Facebbok to check it out.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


No, not the CSS I'm studying in school right now.

OKAY - So, I know that this song is nowhere close to being new (shut it, Mr. Topolski.), but I've been listening to it compulsively the last couple days.

And the video never fails to make me smile.

CSS - Let's Make Love and Listen to Death from Above

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sky Art


Seriously. Innovation. Taking it to the next fuckin level.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Peanut Duck!

Normally I post websites with things that look like penises or the like.

And I guess this still has the word "nuts" in it, so it's not entirely different...

Anyway - here's a website dedicated to items that look like ducks. DUCKS! Adorable!!! Peanuts, cucumbers, etc.!

This Peanut Looks like a Duck

...This got weirdly more sexual than I anticipated...

Thanks, Abby!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Who's got the spirit now?

It's a rainy day, and I'm in the library.

But it's also a Sunday during football season.

I BILLieve, even if play is already spotty in the first half.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


This is a true story.

No, really.

Most reliable news source on the planet.

Thanks, Aaron!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele

"Magnificent" is not an understatement.

I feel like most of us have heard "Meet Me in the Garden" by this point, but "Howard" isn't played quite as much. And the video is way funnier. So, I present to you - "Howard" by Dent May & His Magnificent Ukulele


A warning - this article is about 9/11, specifically the photograph of the Falling Man, which was in newspapers on 9/12 but pretty much disappeared after that.

Esquire considers it one of its best articles ever. I would have to agree.

If you don't want to cry by the end of it, I'll be seriously surprised.

The Falling Man by Tom Junod

Justin James Reed

Photography is kind of my kick right now. So, here we have a photographer named Justin James Reed. His "Paradise" series sucked me right in, especially "Southampton, New Jersey," 2008.

You can see some of his work here at his website.

More insight can be found at his blog.

Teen Girl Squad would love Mayer Hawthorne

This morning I'm listening to this Mayer Hawthorne song on repeat. When I say "on repeat," I mean I've listened to it about seven times already...

Also, I've been reminded that I do have a crush on EVERY BOY!!! High school/early college throwback!
(This is actually a true statement 95% of the time...)


But what is it???

This is so strange and so funny...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


There is no reason for this website to exist, but I'm oh-so-happy it does!

Hot Chicks with Dogs with Boners

No, I am NOT joking.


Lo. Lee. Ta.

A sometimes worthy blog of music and art and other shit I don't care about:
Achtung, Baby!

Monday, September 21, 2009

United States of America

Another photographic project for you to peruse. Here photographers from every state have chosen different shots to represent the categories people, landscape, industry, and habitat. There are so so many quality shots. (Although, obviously, some states are better than others...) And it really helps you appreciate the diversity of this nation.

The 50 States Project

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Iiiiii just wanna fly...

Okay, so I'm a little bit younger than most of the people writing for this blog, but I still totally appreciate it - cos I listened to a lot of the same stuff in middle school. I guess a lot of people look back on what they listened to when they were younger and question that decision. And some of these people do that. But most of them get why this music was important to them - and why it still is. I'm a sucker for nostalgia, yes, but this isn't so much about nostalgia, I guess - it's more about understanding your past. Which, oh, I don't know, maybe it's the same thing. The point is - remember these songs? Remember ones that aren't on there that were important to you? It's a good read - slice of life, you know? This American Life without Ira Glass breathily narrating a few months of your high school years.

I have no idea what I'm on about at this point. I need to get back to studying.

Here, look at Songs from High School.


I love my Dad. Chances are you love yours, too. I'm sorry if something terrible happened in your youth to make you not love your father.

But for those of us who do love our fathers, it's probably because he can be kind of goofy. It makes up for those other slightly annoying fatherly traits.

There is a blog dedicated to funny fathers. It's in its infancy, so forgive the lack of posts, but if you have something to contribute, please do. I feel like this blog could easily achieve greatness.

Dads Being Funny

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

That's Not Average.

Are you one of those people who (wrongly) think that FMyLife is too depressing?

Then MyLifeIsAverage is probably for you. These are happier versions of FML! Things happen, people feel good about them, and they want to share.

Personally, I think the site should be called MyLifeIsAboveAverageRightNow or something, but I guess that's a little wordy.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Who's an ass?

"So," you might say, "Are you a Democrat or a Republican, Marti?"

I will respond, "You should take a look at this website."

A few thoughts on Joe Wilson.

Awwww, who's a goofy lookin' guy?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Uhh Yeah Dude

A few friends already listened to this podcast, so no, I didn't really discover it. However, I bet you haven't heard it yet. Therefore, check it out.

It's called Uhh Yeah Dude. It's two dudes sitting around talking about nothing. No, seriously.

But hot damn if they aren't funny.

You will also start saying things like, "wanky wank," "slow boning," etc. These are all very very useful phrases.

If you live in NYC, they're doing a party show thing in October, which you should go to.

Check it out at their website, Uhh Yeah Dude.

Friday, September 4, 2009

That's fuuuuucked up...

... and hilarious.

Thanks, Tommy

More Pac-Man!

Earlier I posted a Pac-Man video, which I thought was pretty funny (and still do). However, that is not the only funny Pac-Man video around. Check out this gem from Michigan.

Thanks, Colleen

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sand Art

Well, this is true talent. Unlike so much of what we see.

Thanks, Amanda!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Pac Man

No, I've never been much of a video game player, but I get it enough to find this hilarious. Anyone who would send their friends running nearly blind through grocery stores and pool halls and restaurants is a friend of mine.

Thanks, Chris C.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Beelitz is an abandoned complex outside of Berlin. It used to house a psychiatric hospital, etc. for recovering soldiers. It's a pretty hot place for exploration and photography and graffiti these days. A great series of photographs were taken by LiveJournal user danger_aardvark. Check them out in this entry.



Guys, I want to go to Finland.

It sounds totally awesome.

Friday, August 21, 2009


I found this site today via Sorry I Missed Your Party.

superbomba! is a collection of amazing vintage photos (vintage being really anything over fifteen years old... Doubt anything is really later than 1990ish). It seems that the site began as a pairing of found photos with music - which can be downloaded on the first couple pages. Not all the images are wonderful, but the vast majority are. They are humorous, touching, slices of life, boring in some cases, and always insightful. I got hooked immediately and ended up going back to the beginning. I hope you'll want to do the same.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


No, this isn't the greatest comic ever, but it's so new! And it'll probably get better! And if it's this good now, it'll be really good eventually.

Simple cartoons of robots being . . . robots. Here's the first lolbot. IT SPEAKS THE TRUTH.


I had a different song by these guys stuck in my head all day. Then I saw this video. Love it. You love it, too.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Great Search Engine Debate

These are things you start to find interesting when in library school - embarrassing but true:

This isn't funny, but I think proof that search engines are kind of a crapshoot. Here is a website where you can blindly search Google, Bing, and Yahoo and then vote for which result you think best matches your query. You might be surprised at what you find. I chose each search engine once. Others are leaning towards Yahoo and others towards Google. The point here is - while Google might make up 70% of the market share or something like that, is there really a reason for it? Is it really that much better?

Try for yourself at Blind Search.

And if you want to read more, here's an article about it from The Washington Post.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Abby recently introduced me to Goths in Hot Weather, which is a rather amazing blog full of goth kids frolicking in the sunshine. Clever titles and ratings abound. Definitely go look at it. However, if you are short on time, you should just check out this video featured on the site. The message is deep and the images compelling. Don't doubt.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Don't be such a prude...

Well. It might be because I've been on the radio for the past ten hours, but I think it's probably more just that I have a rather crass sense of humor sometimes - - - - - - or always. But here is a great blog. It's called Things That Look Like Cock n Balls. Obviously highbrow. The guys from The Bugle like it, and you will, too.

Without further ado, go look at some pictures of items that look like penises at Things That Look Like Cock n Balls.

Thanks, Abby.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Snacks and Shit

Recently I ran across this website which basically tells you why I listen to rap music. In two words:


The guys who write the blog take rap lyrics they think are absolutely absurd and make fun of them. Always a good exercise.

Here's the first, explanatory post of Snacks and Shit. Make sure to read as many as possible in order to properly rot your brain.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Can't Get You Out of My Head

Don't fucking judge me. Don't you dare.

I went to see Coldplay on Monday for the third time. It was fucking amazing.

I also found this great video of them covering Kylie Minogue today.

I love it, and you should to. Glastonbury with a great crowd, as always...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I am inexplicably obsessing over this song today.

Caribou (Well, Manitoba at the time it was written, I think...) - "Crayon"

Friday, July 31, 2009

Nietzsche Family Circus . . .

. . . More fun than it looks! Whoever came up with the idea of randomizing Nietzsche quotes and putting them with Family Circus cartoons deserves a medal. (No idea what the medal would be, but . . . we'll come up with something!)

See them here: The Nietzsche Family Circus

xkcd gets almost serious...

Uh, if only this is how it ended. Not that I want any of these men in jail. Just that it's funny.

(If the image is obscured, go to xkcd to see it...)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

". . . my Hagrid sized nuts . . ."

Harry Potter rap. Voldemort's a bitch. And they sound like a weird Beastie Boys/Northern State hybrid. Oh my.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

He Got Nailed

It might be because I'm in library school that I find this so funny... but I'm pretty sure it's actually just funny. Poor kid gets library privileges revoked.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Nailed 'Em - Library Crime
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTasers

Crazy Pogo-mania!

Hello, Blog. Sorry I have ignored you for a week. Shit's been whack.

To make up for that, I present some douche bags who turn out to be super awesome pogo stick jumper guys -

This has been suggested as a way to get to work. Maybe maybe!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Warning: Rickroll in Effect - Kinda.

If you use Twitter, you'll probably have seen this already because it's one of those trending things... If you don't tweet or twitter or whatever, check it out. DJ Morgoth of Germany ("more goth" from Germany? What a surprise.) has mashed up "Smells like Teen Spirit" with "Never Gonna Give You Up." If this brings back the rickroll, I will gladly support it.

Watch and be amazed at how well they sync:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beggars Group

According to YouTube: "The Beggars Group is a family of independent record labels including 4AD, Beggars Banquet, Matador Records, PlayLouderecordings, Too Pure, Rough Trade and XL Recordings."

The videos they posted in 2008, especially, are wonderful. After viewing this Devendra Banhart video for "Carmensita," if you decide you think that's interesting, you should check out their page for more. I especially recommend the Vampire Weekend and Friendly Fires videos. Check it out!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sour's "Hibi no Neiro"

Technology has given us many wonderful things to work with. The webcam is definitely one of them - for so many reasons. This is one of them:

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shibu Inu Cuteness?

Unfortunately you can't embed this, so trust me when I say it's worth the click.

A Shibu Inu who seems to be channeling Satan.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Chia Obama

Sometimes I feel like maybe the Chia people are a little too crazy.

This is perfect for the upcoming holiday weekend:

Chia Obama!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


I actually have NO idea how I've never seen this before.

There doesn't seem to be any way to embed it, so brief description, then a link.

In 2004 (I think) one of my favorite bands - Elbow - did a BBC Radio 1 session and recorded a quirky version of Destiny Child's "Independent Woman." They occasionally break it out in concert for a couple seconds (if I remember correctly). Apparently, Joel Veitch of took their version and made it into a video featuring some Northern Kitties playing instruments and smoking cigarettes. First - this is a great cover. Secondly - the animation fits almost perfectly. It's funny but played on a loop so don't expect it to stop - ever...

Without further ado...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Miss the 90s and Early '00s

I will be the first to admit that I loved NSYNC and 98 Degrees and hated the Backstreet Boys. However, they all look hilarious here in 45 Ridiculous Pictures of Boy Bands. On top of those three there are pictures of Hanson, O-Town, LFO, NKOTB, etc. What a great reminder of what things used to be like


At Tommy's request I am posting a link to Ctrl+Alt+Del, which seems to be his favorite webcomic. Specifically here is a link to a comic about video games, killing cats, and orphans. Funnier than it sounds, I promise.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

General Spade

Buffalo actually does have a rap scene, guys. And it's not bad. Check out General Spade.

MySpace Page

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Everything is Terrible

Face gymnastics! Keep you looking younger longer! We need to worry about this in our 20s!

Monday, June 15, 2009

". . . Basically live together anyway."

An interesting stimulus plan...

Nation's Girlfriends Unveil New Economic Plan: 'Let's Move In Together'

Unhappily Ever After

I love it when people question the whole fairy tale princess story. These are great shots of alternate endings to some favorite fairy tales. And warning, I guess it might be kind of sad?

Fallen Princesses

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Disturbia may be an understatement.

Every musical bone in my body is screaming in horror:

Really, lady?

I pity that poor child...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eugene Mirman speaks to high school students

I thought we had it good at the Canisius College Graduation of '07 when Marv Levy (our beloved former Bills coach) spoke to us. However, I can now see that Lexington High School wins with Eugene Mirman. Mirman's always a funny guy, but this pretty much encapsulates all graduation speeches ever. Good job, Eugene.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hot dogs for 50 cents?

In honor of summer, a song about grilling. It's like Jack Johnson if he also liked reggae and autotune. Amusing and not terrible:

"G-R-I-L-L is how we like to chill..."

Thanks, Marta

Monday, June 1, 2009

"When did spazzing out qualify as a dance?"

Oh. My. God. Yes.

Literal version of "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I don't see any boots with fur.

A video to make you say "What the fuck?" and "What's the number of CPS?" and "Wow, that kid's a pretty good dancer."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Iron & Wine and Calexico

So. This is just a song I really love. It's not really video. Just a great song. You should listen and love it, too.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Man, I miss the 80s and 90s sometimes. Here's another great reason why. I wish my mother would have let me get lasers. But no, always a boring gray background for this chica.

Laser Portraits

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Let's see what's in Mr. Rudd's soul...

I just laughed so hard the mascara ran, and it sounded like I was sobbing...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Slurp? Ew.

I never was into comics growing up, but as I've gotten older, I've read a lot more online. Not like Batman and shit (although, if you like those, that's totally cool, whatever.). More funny dailies like QC, Dino Comics, xkcd, etc. And I also seem to know more people who are into comics and draw them and stuff. So, without further ado, Phil twittered, tweeted, whatever, this one today, and I think you should all take a look.

A Bus Stop Romance

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Well. That was awkward.

You know when you go over to a friend's house, and over the mantle there's one of those weird Olan Mills portraits of the kids wearing matching outfits and matching FML smiles? And then you wonder what parent in their right mind actually cherishes these works of fugly?

There's a website dedicated to the immortalization of those lovely portraits. It's called Awkward Family Photos, and man oh man is it awkward.

Check it: Awkward Family Photos


Let's continue with the party theme. LJ-user xiphias just posted this on the b0st0n community, and it looks like maybe the best thing ever? so I think you should all have it, too.

You know the Five Minute Microwave Cake recipe, right?

Get biggest microwave safe mug you've got, spray inside with cooking spray.

4 Tbl flour
4 Tbl sugar
2 Tbl unsweetened cocoa powder

Mix these together in the mug,

Stir in:
1 egg
3 Tbl milk
3 Tbl vegetable oil (oil is the ONE thing I don't always have on hand, so I often melt 3 Tbl butter; it works.)

Mix with a fork or something until more-or-less smooth.

Nuke for 3 minutes. It may well swell over the top of the mug; don't worry about it.

Let it cool for a few seconds, and either eat it out of the mug, or tip it out onto a plate.

If you've got these things in your pantry, you'll never be more than five minutes away from cake.

I have yet to try this, but if it actually works, we're all going to be living happily ever after.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Let's celebrate!

Party Cat!

An amusing comic about a cat addicted to partying. It's appropriate for this weekend as it is my sister's wedding, and that appears to be what these few days are all about.

Thanks, Natalie!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Join a CULT!

We've all seen Snuggies parodies. This may be the funniest one, though.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Dinosaur Comics

Oh, what the hell. Let's keep the ball rolling this week with comics that I read every day.

Dinosaur Comics is great every day. Admittedly some days more than others, of course. Today's contains some very good advice. Heed it.

tada is a really weird word; the more i stare at it the more i am convinced

Monday, May 11, 2009


Seriously, Justin Timberlake can go on SNL any time he wants. He's really very funny...


xkcd is classic. Of course. If you don't read it, then you fail.

xkcd Car Talk


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two headed boy.

Tracy and Rachel have both sent me information about this. Amanda Palmer (of The Dresden Dolls) is creating a play? musical? based around Neutral Milk Hotel's In an Aeroplane over the Sea. It looks kind of wonderful.

NPR did a thing about it, which can be found here.
Thomas Allen's Book Art Photography

Take some pulp novels, an x-acto knife, a good camera, and you get these fabulous photographs. I would love to see how they look in real life.

Thanks, Natalie

Thursday, May 7, 2009


"I think this is one of the most obscure things that everyone in our generation remembers" -Chris


"The thought of you makes something vast and silver erupt from my wand."

This are terribly corny but also more amusing than they have any right to be.

Harry Potter Pick Up Lines

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"The silly fucking hen"

Dear Cute Animals-
You are inappropriately amusing and adorable.
This guy agrees. And he has made cataloging class this semester a lot better by distracting us with his amusing posts.

Fuck You, Penguin

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Passion Pit

Yes. Dance the end of the semester away.
I suppose this isn't for the younger readers, but you know, it's the Internet, and I don't discriminate, so make your own decision based on the name of this website.

Awkward Boners

Thanks, Kate

Sarsgaard SARS guard

Abby hasn't seen this yet, and it's an old favorite line from college, so I feel it should be shared. Plus, it's kinda timely:

Meat Cards

Who needs a traditional business card?

Try a Meat Card!

Thanks, Chris.

Everyone hates Sarah Palin!

I am a member of the fairly active LiveJournal community, b0st0n, which is generally good for humor and conversation, etc. I think one of yesterday's posts could be one of the top ten threads I've seen on the community ever.

Who wants Sarah Palin in 2012?

Monday, May 4, 2009

"I will hurt them so bad."

You should also watch that guy's Cleveland tourism videos. They're pretty great.

I don't care...

I really don't care how fat this food might make me. About 75% of it looks delicious.

This Is Why You're Fat



Or not.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


While FAIL Blog is always pretty hilarious, recently the videos have gotten a lot better. There is, for instance, this gem.

If you've somehow missed it, find the rest of the FAIL blog site here.

"my best friend tried to rape me with a pineapple"

I realize that this has already made the rounds, but just in case you somehow missed it, you need to be enlightened.

Texts from Last Night

People say the darnedest things.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A timely suggestion

Do I Have Swine Flu?

I laugh every time I even think of this site.

After the reaction Natalie, Marta, and I got while watching this during our class break yesterday, I think this is a good way to start off this blog.

And, no, I have no idea what's going on either.